2024 was capped with an event that turned out to be a blast! Google Developer Student Club, Auckland Student Pool Association and our club came together to present a Social Pool Night. We packed out Orange Pool Club on City Road with over 70+ attendees, almost exceeding our booking space, and had a great night of healthy competition. Thank you all for coming and making our last event one for 2024 one to remember.
What an overwhelmingly successful night!! 🚀 We are thrilled to announce that our UOACS Industry Night on Thursday was a massive success with 141 sign-ups! 🎉 A huge thank you to School of Computer Science - University of Auckland and Jane Street for making this event possible and for supporting the next generation of tech leaders.
Our collab with AUEC (Auckland Unviersity Esports Club) was another success. We saw 40 individual sign ups and played a knockout styleed tournament. We split the individual signups into teams of five and tried to fairly distribute the ranks. It was a huge success and got overwhelmingly positive reviews. Big thank you to AUEC and to Red Bull for their support!
We held our very first event in the short history of UOACS and it was a stellar success! With 90+ attendees and 25+ new sign ups, our event was filled to the brim with energetic and expectant computer science students. It was a night of introduction and social activities accompanied with free food that left everyone satisfied in every way.